Whitehorse homes for sale Leawood KS

Whitehorse homes for sale Leawood KS

White Horse is in the Blue Valley School System

  • Sunrise Point Elementary School
  • Prairie Star Middle School
  • Blue Valley High School

Other neighborhoods which attend Sunrise Point Elementary, Prairie Star Middle School, and Blue Valley High School

Homes consist of mostly 4 bedrooms, an occasional 3 bedroom, and some have 5 or more bedrooms. Most of the homes in Whitehorse have 3.0 to 5.5 or more bathrooms. Most of the homes have 3 car garages so you have plenty of room for your vehicles, boat, sport bike, wave-runners, or storage. The size of the houses in Whitehorse range from 2800 to 4000+ square feet. The homes were built from the middle 1990s to the early 2000’s. Composite roofs with the occasional shake roof left over. Whitehorse offers walk-out basements, daylight basements, as well as relatively flat lots. Lot sized average 1/3 acre in size. Quiet cul-de-sacs and landscaped boulevards.

Minutes from excellent shopping, entertainment and restaurants with One Nineteen, Hawthorne Plaza, Town Center and Prairie Fire all close by.

Amenties in  Whitehorse include a pool, cabana, and tennis courts. If you are a golfer you are close to Iron Horse golf course. Also Leawood’s Ironwood Park is nearby. Easy access to Johnson County hike an bike trails.

Directions to Whitehorse Leawood KS

I-435, take the Nall Exit, South on Nall, East on 149th Street into Whitehorse neighborhood

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