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Aimtree Manor homes for sale Leawood KS
Residents of Aimtree Manor are served by the Blue Valley school district
- Mission Trail Elementary School
- Leawood Middle School
- Blue Valley North High School
Aimtree Manor is located at the northwest corner of 127th and Mission Road in Leawood.
Other neighborhoods which attend Mission Trail Elementary, Leawood Middle School, and Blue Valley North High School
- Berkshire
- Cherry Creek
- Enclave at Cedar Pointe
- Leawood South
- Patrician Woods
- Siena of Leawood
- Greenbriar of Leawood
- Tuscany Plaza Townhomes
- Tuscany Reserve
- Waterford
- Wilshire
- Wilshire Place
Looking for HOA information? The City of Leawood has you covered.
Nearby shopping is located at Town Center Plaza, Market Center Square, Hawthorne Valley Plaza and Camelot Court Shopping Center
Aimtree Manor is located adjacent to 127th and Mission road in Leawood KS
View residential homes for sale in Aimtree Manor Leawood
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Don’t see any houses for sale? Great time to put your house on the market. Text Ken Jansen at 913-908-2215 to Schedule a time to discuss selling or buying a house in Aimtree Manor