Bentwood Park and Bentwood Crossings homes for sale

Bentwood Park entry monument Overland Park KS

Bentwood Park entry monument Overland Park KS

Bentwood Park and Bentwood Crossings subdivisions Overland Park KS Real Estate 66213

Bentwood Park neighborhood pool

Bentwood Park and
Bentwood Crossing neighborhood pool Overland Park KS

Bentwood Park and Bentwood Crossings offers

Bentwood Park and Bentwood Crossings is close to

Bentwood Park and Bentwood Crossings is served by the Olathe school district

Subdivisions comparable to Bentwood Park and Bentwood Crossings in the area include

Directions to Bentwood Park and Bentwood Crossings

From 135th and Quivira – East on 135th to Nieman, North on Nieman, West on 131st Street.

View Bentwood Park and Bentwood Crossings homes for sale Overland Park KS – search the MLS for residential real estate listings

If you don’t see any homes for sale – call us – always a  great time to sell when you are the only house for sale

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